High Security Windows

Because your door is only as strong as the window right next to it.

Millitary-Grade Protection with an Elegant, Residential Appearance

High-security glass paired with a robust steel frame combining exceptional strength with elegant design for superior home security

Glazing Options

Select between forced-entry resistant glass or bullet-resistant glass. Optionally, combine for ultimate protection.

Forced-Entry Resistance Security Ratings

  • P6BHigh resistance to forced entry. Designed to withstand up to 30 sledgehammer blows.
  • P8BVery high resistance to forced entry. Built to endure up to 70 sledgehammer blows, offering superior protection against prolonged attacks.

Bulletproof Security Ratings

  • BR4High bullet resistance. Can withstand handgun fire, such as .44 Magnum, offering significant protection against ballistic threats.
  • BR6Very high bullet resistance. Can withstand high-powered rifle fire, such as 7.62mm NATO rounds, providing superior ballistic protection.
front entry security burglar proof door

Residential Window Designs

Bulletproof residential custom window designs made fully operatable with products from across all of Europe.

bullet proof window and doors

Operable Windows

Awning, Casement, Hung and other options available with advanced locking mechanisms to ensure security.

bullet proof window and doors

Picture Windows

Fixed windows with crystal clear visibility. Most cost-effective burglar proofing window solution.

bullet proof window and doors

Custom Windows

Custom windows shaped to your specification.

Important Residential Features

Designed to provide the highest level of security without compromising important residential features like energy-efficiency, clear view, and a discreet style.

  • Clear Bullet-Proof Glass
  • Advanced Thermal Insulation
  • Custom Designs
  • Functional Windows
  • Low Maintenance
  • Advanced Security Locks
example of a residential window

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does a bulletproof window cost?
  • Will your bulletproof glass provide good visibility?
  • How will my bulletproof window look?
  • Who will install the window into my home?